Embark on a poignant adventure with Little Misfortune Demo, a narrative-driven game that immerses you in the whimsical yet dark journey of Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, an 8-year-old with a vivid imagination. As you seek the coveted prize of Eternal Happiness to present to your mother, you'll follow the guidance of your enigmatic new friend, Mr. Voice, exploring the depths of the forest and uncovering its secrets. The choices you make crucially impact the story, with every decision leading to various outcomes.
This interactive story captivates with a blend of charming and eerie elements, allowing you to form deep connections with its characters. Key features include the opportunity to interact with a diverse range of animals, visit intriguing locations such as a pet cemetery, and listen to authentic human voiceovers that add an extra layer of charm to Misfortune's dialogue. Additionally, players are given a chance to engage in lighthearted mischief, with an underlying message of love and occasional thrills from the presence of a mysterious monster. With original artwork and an engaging soundtrack composed by the talented Isak Martinsson, the game promises an enchanting experience that melds the sweet with the sinister to leave an enduring impression on your heart.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.1, 4.1.1 or higher required
Doesn't open. The Unity logo appears and then the screen goes black. I waited a while because maybe it was taking time to work, but no.